Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MANN UP!! Vol #2


I’m proud to be a man; I don’t feel ashamed, embarrassed, intimidated or guilty about it. I know I’m not yet what I’m bound to be but I am what I am more than I was. But I know one thing, I’m not yet all the man I can be! I’m also very thankful to my parents for naming me Eric; it means strong leadership and I have always tried my best to live up to my name. What drives you as a man (or woman)? It is important you identify something that challenges you to do more than just live, live an extraordinary life.
Today I know where I’m headed with my manhood. For years I floundered in my attempts at manhood, never having been taught how to be a man. Through the struggles and difficulties, successes and rewards, I learned much of what being a man really means. Now I can say it has been a wonderful life in many ways, having caused influence in many people (and the influence is now turning worldwide) for good and God!
Many people recognize a current crisis in manhood; you will hear people ask, “What is wrong with Africa?” and these answer is given. “Lousy leadership. Not just in government or politics, but in business and labour, service and manufacturing, education and other big institutions, and the media too!” Caustic and critical, but is it true? Many Africans would agree. We have a crisis in leadership and productivity- BUT THIS STEMS BASICALLY FROM A CRISIS IN MANHOOD! Our manhood has been emasculated, and that has sterilized our ability to reproduce. Africa is not the only place suffering such problems. Scores of problems confront men in every nation under the sun. For example;
-         Kenya’s runaway inflation has sapped its countries’ vitality, creating a fatalistic approach to life in its citizens. Young Men feel they have nothing to look forward to and are helpless to do anything about the problem. Our crisis is not simply economic. It is a crisis in manhood.
-         In England, a news paper article not so long ago stated that the present generation of youth was without ambition or hope-They were gripped by a welfare mentality!
-         Italian youth admire mafia members more than government, religious or industry leaders (According to a research done in 1992). Their next preference, after criminal celebrities is entertainers. The reporter concluded that young people seem to lack any understanding of the normal values that undergird a productive society or individual!
-         Reports of Nigerian men flagrantly brutalizing women have created a national concern and international embarrassment!
There are many more cases to cite but one point has been made clear by the above examples; there’s a crisis in manhood and it is calling for men who choose to be different from the current societal setting that has distorted the true perception of manhood.
There is what we call the masculine mentality that has now brought about the masculinity crisis in men. Being a man is not about what size of muscle you can flash, it’s not handsomeness or academic credentials….People are motivated by what they think is important; whether or not that perception is true. The current perceptions that are being projected by the media, Hollywood, book periodicals, and many other sources have confused the average man. No wonder men today are confused about manhood!

The question you are now asking is; WHAT MAKES A REAL MAN? Find out in the next article-MANN UP!! VOL 3

(I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the ladies who have read this article, you have to know that you are special to men and it is your role to support the men in your life-Dad, brother, husband, cousins, sons, boyfriends, friends and many more and help them on their journey to attaining real manhood. Always motivate us to achieve extraordinary results and develop a sense of purpose in life as men, you will enjoy the end result!)


  1. Sam Kiragu
    Though we are born of africa with all the traditional beliefs and upbringing making a man like an assistant to God...we need to be Men and not only Men, but men who can follow and lead. Thanks Eric for the nice article. Looking forward for 3

  2. Thanks bunches Sam for having read my article, it is our role as men to set our price and make ourselves worth it. What worries me is what we might leave our children....Nothing!!
