Monday, August 1, 2011

Crème de la crème

Crème de la crème
More often than not we know what we want in life…the best! We crave the best that can ever be.  We know the kind of hotels to go to, the kind of places to go shopping, the car to drive, the kind of house we can live in-and the kind we can never fall asleep in! among other standards. Well it’s good to have standards, especially if you can manage to keep up…
However, the shocking standards that I have realized we have are the kind that we have set for other people to pass our test!  We know the qualities of friends that we’d want to have; generous, caring, independent, loving, trustworthy…we know kind of husband or girlfriend that we want; honest, respectful, loving, spiritual and all those amazing qualities- the physical appearance notwithstanding. We want people of strong morals and integrity around our lives.
The challenge with this is that we have set the bar so high that hardly anyone seems to meet our standard ‘requirements’! The truth is that we clearly know that we don’t meet at least half of the standards we set for others to meet-Not even half!

A joke is told of a successful stock broker who was in a relationship with a successful young actress. The well-liked stock broker wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but he said that due to his status in society he could not marry just any one. So he decided to test the lady’s character before he got married to her.
He went and contracted a private investigation firm to investigate the actress and give him a full report on her and mostly her character. He instructed the manager that his identity should not be disclosed to the investigators on the ground and only he should know he is the client.
After weeks of investigation, the firm summed up the investigation, prepared a report, sealed it as the client ordered and delivered it to the now much exited stock broker. He was exited that finally he got a full report on the character of his future wife. He happily opened the report: it was short, it read…”the actress is of pure and impeccable character and has a promising future...but of late she has been seen in the company of a stock broker of questionable character!

Think of it, even as Christians we have set very high standards and we’ve adopted a judgmental attitude on who is a sinner and who’s not; we block friendships with people all because they miss a point on our score-card! 
We need to start looking inward at ourselves. As you spell out the terms and conditions we have to meet to gain access to you evaluate yourself on the same score-card you use on others!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Go and learn to succeed better...

Go and learn to succeed better...
I have tried and failed many times, doors have been shut on my face more times, I lost friends who maybe thought I was too ambitious or did not believe in all these I have learnt some of the best lessons of my life that make me who I am and define who I am to be.
I found out that We're not the first ones to fail and we wont be the last ones to get right back up! We're not the first ones to be divided and wont be the first to be re-united...if you want to go, you have to know what to let go...the right decisions always need sacrifice, and sometimes they take on some of your sweet comfort zones and that leaves you defenseless and vulnerable...learn to take risks and trust yourself! Allow yourself to learn in your successes and failures and most of all learn from saves you the agony of learning from your experience!
It has been made clear that one fails forward toward success, some defeats are more triumphant than victories and most of all Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat
I will not lie to will fail more than once, it wont be too easy and how you react to all that is your choice. But I will tell you to go out there, take the risks and learn...then you dont have to learn later!
The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.Try, fail, do, succeed and enjoy life!  
                                                                                                       Good luck!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's pearl in this rocky internet world!!

This is love...

this is Love...

People especially in this age are being more and more mystified at what love really is. We have defined love in more selfish ways and the proof of love has now been totally lost into the quandary of self-centredness. People have started defining love by what is done for you and not what you do for others. I would like to note that no one has ever fully known how to love, no one can give you a study course on love, we spend our whole lives learning to love.
It is hard to love someone who doesn't love you back and as we can learn from The Perfect Love of our God we see that He loved as first and all we have to do is reciprocate the love he has flooded us with. It is important that we learn that we can not reciprocate God's love by loving Him back directly, we can only reciprocate His love by loving our fellow human beings who will be our wives, husbands,  children, parents, friends, girlfriends and people that live around our circles every day.
I heard a lady one day saying, 'I know my boyfriend loves me because he buys expensive stuff for me'...I have only this words, one can give without loving but no one can love without giving!! This is evident from our God who gave His only treasured son to die for our sins. True love is giving more than receiving, it is giving something that you treasure-like your life! Learn to start loving truly and remember that what makes sense in this earth when you're gone is not how many people loved you but to how many people you showed love!

                                                               Eric Kimaita.
                               Love first then leave the rest to work its self out!
                  Reflecting Jesus in our lives by expressing love with the best we have to offer..:)

Monday, March 21, 2011

 Like the Lions...

The lion is one of the most fearless animals in the jungle. The  sight of this awesome creature can send panic into the heart of even  bigger animals. There are some basic lessons we can learn from this  wonderful creature.


Boldness is the capacity to stand against any opposition and come out unscathed.

It is a prominent feature of all lions. Their genetic makeup will  not allow them to be scared of other animals, no matter the size. It is  not in their mentality to be afraid.

As individuals, we would definitely encounter difficulties in life  which will require some measure of boldness. The opposite of boldness is  fear, which can destroy purpose and destinies.


When this amazing creature is stalking a prey, one of the most  visible quality that gives it the edge is persistence. A lion can  persistently pursue a prey with all its might as long as the prey is  within its radar. Persistence is the ability to continuously hold on to  your dream without wavering or giving up. It is a quality that has  countless rewards. Immediately the prey is caught, the battle for  survival and conquest begins. The persistent eventually emerges the  winner in a battle for superiority. This should be the attitude of any  aspiring entrepreneur.


To anticipate means to have a positive expectation and outlook about  a situation. It cab be compared to faith. This fearless creature has  this awesome quality in abundance. They make use of it in their haunt  for food and survival in the jungle. There is no feeling of negativity  or pessimism where these creatures dwell. The moment they have the  opportunity to haunt for prey in their territories, they start making  anticipatory moves to go for the kill. As individuals aspiring for  success, we must anticipate major or minor opportunities that may come  our way and prepare sufficiently awaiting these opportunities.


This is the ability to be in charge or to be in control of a  situation. It is a characteristics which gives the lion the power to  totally take charge of affairs in the animal kingdom. When there is a  mixture of the weak and strong struggling for the same limited  resources, a scenario will arise that gives room for the strongest to  dominate the weakest and this is exactly what takes place in the animal  kingdom. This is also true in the life of humans, as the financially  strong often dominate the market and determine where the trend and  economy will tilt to. These unique creatures have the dominion mentality  on their inside, that gives them the ability to rule over others. It is  a quality that is also in every human. The moment we come to the  knowledge of this awesome quality deposited in us, our mentality about  wealth, power and success is transformed significantly.

Enjoy reading more from this blog...:)

We regret inactions more than mistakes....just take risks!

Have you ever really wanted to do something that required some risk and while you were still trying to make up your mind to be bold enough to do it, the opportunity went right on by, and you knew you could not get it back? I have - on more than one occasion. I believe that closer to the end of our lives, we'll experience more regret because of missed opportunities than mistakes that we made.

Actions or Inactions - Which brings more regret?
Two Cornell University sociologists conducted a study and showed that time is a key element in determining what we regret. In the short term, we lean toward regretting our actions, but over the long haul these sociologists found that inactions were more likely to produce regret.
I've done some really stupid things and said some really dumb things that I wish I could turn back a cosmic clock and undo. I regret those things and those words. But now that I'm approaching my 6th decade on planet earth, I find that I have more regret about the things I didn't do, or the risks I didn't overcome, or the opportunities I didn't take advantage of, or the dreams I let die.

The Story of a Lion Chaser
There is a short and obscure Scripture in the Old Testament, found in II Samuel 23:20. I think it deserves a look. Here it is: "Benaiah chased a lion down into a pit. Then, despite the snow and slippery ground, he caught the lion and killed it." Now, we're not told what in the world Benny was doing or even where he might have been headed when he came across this lion. We're not told what he was thinking. All we know from this writing of antiquity is that on a gut response, he took a huge risk and despite all odds, he chased the lion and...killed it.
This is a very unlikely thing to take place. Usually when a man-eating animal is encountered, a normal person would take one and only one action: RUN!! But not this guy. After all, wouldn't this look good on his resume: In 600 BC I chased a lion on a snowy day and killed it." Well, it must have worked, because Benaiah landed a job as a bodyguard for King David of Israel. In fact, he worked his way up the military chain of command to become the second most powerful guy in all of Israel. I like to think that his stellar career can be traced back to a snowy day when he had to make a choice to run away or chase a lion. If he had run away, he would have always wondered, "What if...?"
So let me tie all this together for you. The scariest and most difficult situations can become the greatest of experiences, and can actually become defining moments in your life. David Whyte, English poet, author and speaker, says this, "The price of our vitality is the sum of our fears."

Bedtime Stories Worth Telling
I want my children and grandchildren to tell stories about me that are worth telling. Can't you just imagine the bedtime stories in Benaiah's household?
Stop running and start chasing. Make the most of every opportunity. Rather than just avoiding risks, decide to maximize all the potential and opportunity God has given each of us.